BARC Score: Integrated Planning & Analytics (IP&A) Research Report

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Anaplan has been announced as a market leader in the BARC IP&A research report. 

For effective planning, you need to understand each area of your business and simultaneously see the big picture. With Anaplan, you can give functions and business units the freedom to plan and execute individually while still staying connected to the whole. Support fully-informed scenario building from the edge to the center with no-code tailoring by business units. And drill down into granular detail. With access to the full perspective you need, you can deliver better decisions and superior outcomes.

According to BARC’s latest report, in which Anaplan was named as a market leader, ‘Anaplan is a modern cloud-based connected planning and performance management platform for use across financial and various operational business departments with complementary analytics functionality, which is highly recommended by customers. Flexibility for a wide variety of industry agnostic planning approaches (centralized top-down, decentralized bottom-up) and planning topics (strategic, financial, operational planning with support for various verticals)’. 

Read the full complementary report now.

About BARC

BARC is one of Europe’s leading analyst firms for business software, focusing on the areas of data, business intelligence (BI), analytics and corporate performance management (CPM). The company was founded in 1999 as a spin-off of the chair of Business Administration and Information Systems at the University of Würzburg, Germany. Today, BARC combines empirical and theoretical research, technical expertise and practical experience, and a constant exchange with all market participants to provide market-leading research publications, events and advisory.


BARC user surveys, software tests and analyst assessments in blogs and research notes give companies the confidence to make the right decisions. Its independent research gets to the heart of market developments, evaluates software and providers thoroughly and gives organizations valuable ideas on how to turn data, analytics and AI into added value and successfully transform business.